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Dumfries and Galloway Smarter Schools

Dumfries and Galloway, UK
Cyril Sweett / Amey Ventures Ltd / FMP on behalf of Dumfries and Galloway Council


© Paul Zanre

3DReid designed and delivered four new build schools within the Dumfries and Galloway, consisting of two Primary Schools, one All-through Primary / Secondary School and one co-located Primary and Secondary School, all with Pre-5 facilities.

Dumfries and Galloway Smarter Schools joint campus projects includes All Through Schools and wider community use. To tie the new school estate together all schools featured landscaped courtyards, impressive triple height social spaces, community libraries and external classroom play decks.

Whilst addressing the brief, each school differs in massing with a local response to the immediate context of each site. A restrained palette of materials was implemented; vertical local timber, brown brick, rainscreen cladding and dark grey metal work. Colour was added to the external treatments in consultation with the stakeholders, ensuring that the end users had ownership of the projects. Using this framework permits the new buildings to be read together as a result of the consistent architectural language.

In addition to delivering four schools, 3DReid acted as Design Team Lead, controlling the design and quality of the overall project to deliver state-of-the art schools in the region.

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