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COVID-19 Strategy

  • 20th Mar 2020
  • |  News
  • |  Izzy Watson
3DReid COVID-19 Strategy

Following the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have taken proactive steps to ensure that 3DReid remains fully operational throughout the foreseeable future, until a full return to normal working is resumed. Our priorities are to continue the quality of service our clients and their projects require, whilst ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our staff.

We have moved to a remote working platform in all offices. All of our staff have the ability to work effectively from home and the integrity and security of our systems is assured. Using collaborative working tools and video conferencing platforms, we are maintaining essential communications with our external clients and consultants.

Whilst we cannot foresee all the implications of this unprecedented event, we are confident that we have a robust strategy to minimise any disruption during this time.

If you have any project specific queries please contact your local director.

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all well and look forward to continued collaboration with you over the coming weeks and months.

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